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  • Westerdam, Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice: Scenic Cruising Glacier Bay

Westerdam, Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice: Scenic Cruising Glacier Bay

Embarking on the Westerdam for the Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice cruise was an adventure filled with breathtaking vistas and encounters with nature. One of the highlights of this journey was the scenic cruising through Glacier Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its stunning glacial landscapes and diverse wildlife.

As we sailed through Sitakaday Narrows, the gateway to Glacier Bay, we were greeted by the tranquil beauty of the surrounding mountains and pristine waters. The journey continued past Strawberry Island, Willoughby Island, and Francis Island, each offering its own unique charm and views of untouched wilderness.

South Marble Island and North Marble Island were teeming with life, with sea lions basking on the rocks and seabirds filling the skies. The sight of these islands was a reminder of the rich biodiversity that thrives in this remote part of the world. Drake Island and Tlingit Point provided more glimpses of the rugged beauty that defines Alaska’s coastal landscapes.

Cruising through Blue Mouse Cove and around the Gilbert Peninsula, the serenity of the surroundings was occasionally broken by the splash of a whale breaching or the sight of a brown bear foraging along the shoreline. Gloomy Knob and Mount Merriam stood as silent sentinels, their snow-capped peaks reflecting in the icy waters below.

The sail past Composite Island, Queen Inlet, and Rendu Inlet brought us closer to the heart of Glacier Bay. The sight of the Brady Icefield and the towering Reid Glacier was nothing short of awe-inspiring. These immense rivers of ice, slowly carving their way through the landscape, were a testament to the power and majesty of nature.

At Lamplugh Glacier, the azure ice sparkled in the sunlight, creating a mesmerizing display of colors and textures. The approach to Jaw Point and Mount Cooper offered panoramic views of the surrounding fjords and mountains, each scene more spectacular than the last.

Entering Johns Hopkins Inlet, we were greeted by the sight of the Johns Hopkins Glacier advancing into the bay, its face crumbling into the water with thunderous roars. The nearby Russell Island and Mount Abdallah added to the dramatic scenery, their rugged profiles etched against the sky.

The climax of our glacier cruising came as we navigated through Tarr Inlet to reach the mighty Grand Pacific Glacier and the iconic Margerie Glacier. The sheer scale and beauty of these glaciers left us in awe, with Margerie Glacier’s towering ice walls providing a grand finale to our journey.

Throughout the cruise, the wildlife encounters were unforgettable. Seals and sea otters played in the water, oblivious to our presence, while whales surfaced occasionally, their spouts breaking the silence. The sight of a brown bear ambling along the shore was a reminder of the untamed wilderness that defines Alaska.

Our scenic cruising through Glacier Bay on the Westerdam was a journey of discovery and wonder, a chance to witness the raw beauty of one of the world’s last great wildernesses. Each glacier, island, and inlet told a story of nature’s enduring power and majesty, leaving us with memories that will last a lifetime.

On the Westerdam, we set our course,
Through Alaska's wild, with nature's force.
Sitakaday Narrows welcomed us wide,
With mountains tall and seas so bright.

Strawberry Island, a gem so rare,
Whispers of wilderness lingered there.
Willoughby, Francis, islands in view,
Each with a tale, in the morning dew.

South Marble, North Marble, life teemed strong,
Sea lions sang their ancient song.
Drake Island's shores, where echoes play,
Tlingit Point whispered of a bygone day.

Blue Mouse Cove, serene and still,
Gilbert Peninsula, nature's will.
Gloomy Knob and Merriam's height,
Silent sentinels in the Arctic light.

Composite Island, Queen Inlet's charm,
Rendu Inlet wrapped in nature's arm.
Brady Icefield, a frozen expanse,
Reid Glacier, a mesmerizing dance.

Lamplugh's ice, a sparkling blue,
Jaw Point, Cooper, a majestic view.
Johns Hopkins Inlet, where icebergs gleam,
Russell Island, Abdallah's dream.

Tarr Inlet's passage to a grand display,
Grand Pacific, Margerie, took breath away.
Glaciers towering, ice walls bright,
Nature's wonders, in purest light.

Seals and otters, playful and free,
Whales surfacing, in the endless sea.
Brown bears wandered, shorelines vast,
In Alaska's embrace, time stood fast.

Through Glacier Bay, on waters wide,
Nature's glory was our guide.
In the heart of Alaska's untamed land,
We found magic, hand in hand.

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